Little Miss Sunshine’s Life

{January 10, 2010}   Domestic Goddess Unleashed

For the last couple of years I’ve been a heat and eat kind of girl.  An open packet and mix with another packet kind of cook.  Well aside from dinner parties, when I unleash the inner domestic goddess.  There was no dinner party this weekend, but the domestic goddess made an appearance in aid of my new healthy eating regime. 

I’m on a strict anti allergy diet which has restricted a few of my favourite foods.  Alcohol is also on the naughty list, but after my 2 day violent hangover on New Years Day I still don’t miss it.  Actually the list of foods I can’t eat is longer than what I can, so I’ll just cut to what I cooked up this weekend.

I made some roast almond butter, cashew nut butter (both delicious spread on celery and oat cakes), chicken stock, chicken soup, buckwheat pancakes and lemon curd.  Lemon curd is SOOO easy to make, mouth puckeringly sour without sugar (that’s on the restricted substance list) but delicious none the less.  I layered it on my buckwheat pancakes, added a generous spread of greek yoghurt and sprinkled coconut on the top. 

So I’m one week in to my new regime and I don’t feel deprived at all – with food like this how can I?

Buckwheat Pancake Stack w/ Lemon Curd, Yoghurt and Coconut

et cetera