Little Miss Sunshine’s Life

{January 17, 2010}   Fender Bender

I loved the ‘man logic’ of the guy that ran into the back of a car I was in on Saturday.  He was insisting to his girlfriend that he hadn’t been driving too close to us.  Welllllll, the fact that your front fender is buried into our back wheel suggests otherwise my friend.

He also asked us what we’d done to cause it.  Um, our car was parked on the side of the road.  Like stationary.  Not moving.  You’ve no one to blame but yourself.  I hate it when that happens.

{January 11, 2010}   The Ugly Side of Christmas

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas tree,
How lovely are your branches!
In beauty green will always grow
Through summer sun and winter snow.
Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree,
How lovely are your branches!

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas tree,
You are the tree most loved!
How often you give us delight
In brightly shining Christmas light!
Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas tree,
You are the tree most loved!

Until January and then you’re out on your arse and I never want to see you again.  You big, ‘take up the whole living room’ messy tree that sheds pine needles all over my carpet. Take that!  I’m kicking you to the kerb you good for nothing Christmas tree.

Christmas Tree Graveyard

{October 9, 2009}   Random Encounters

Well if my random encounter with Aaron the other day wasn’t enough of a ‘wow moment’, I had another one in New York last night.  I went to a networking event for the digital world and was at the bar getting my drinks (priorities!) when I looked up and saw a familiar face.  I shrieked ‘Tom!’ and raced over to say hello.  I’d only just sent him a text (to the wrong number as it turns out) that morning to see when him and Mrs B could meet up over the weekend.

The world is definitely getting smaller.

Me and Tom 

Dolly Parton

If it’s baggin’, draggin’, or saggin’, it’s gonna get nipped, tucked, or sucked


Couldn’t have put it better myself.

{September 2, 2009}   Window Boxes and Terrarium Swings

I was walking past my stair well window the other day and stopped to admire the contrasting colours in the window box, bright cornflour blue, buttercup yellow, delicate fuschia and intense red.   I need to admire them now before winter comes and kills them!  I’m not sure who actually tends to them, whether it’s a resident or the body corp.  They are a sight to behold and make walking up my millions of stairs that little bit more enjoyable.

Contrasting Blooms

Fabulous Flowers

Then later that day I was walking down past Selfridges and their futuristic window displays.  Here’s what our gardens could look like in 2109! 

Glass Terrarium 2109 Styley

Life according to Selfridges

{July 15, 2009}   A Life Cut Tragically Short

While on holiday Ive had time to reflect on quality of life and how to enjoy it without all the stress and strain of the daily grind.  Its so important to take time out and stop to think about magical life is.  So it was very sad to hear about Scott Williams, a friend who died in the wheelie bin in Brighton on the weekend. 

Scott was a lovely, funny, outgoing kiwi guy who Id meet occasionally when out with another circle of friends.  He was closer friends with Matt and Chad and after they told me the news last night we sat there dumbstruck.  To lose his life so tragically when he still had so much to offer is so incredibly sad and my heart goes out to all of his friends and family as they try to work through their grief.

Here is a pic from 2003, Scott is on the left.  This was Robbie Js first wedding celebration – his second is in two weeks and Scott was meant to be grooms man.

Scott, Me, Matt in 2003

Scott, Me, Matt in 2003

I couldnt have attracted more attention in Palermo than if I’d walked down the street naked.  Old ladies were shocked, cars slowed down, people stopped in their tracks.  My crime you may ask?  I was using a parasol to block the harsh rays of the sun from my very fair skin.  People looked at me as if I were a leper. 

At the start I ignored the suggestions from my group that people were staring, but when a wrinkly old lady said to me in Italian “The sun is the most beautiful thing in the world and you’re blocking it out” I had to agree that the locals were disturbed by my sun accessory.  If I’d spoken Italian then I might have pointed out to the leathery old lady that she would have done well to keep her raisin like face out of the harsh African sun a little more. 

Now that we are in Lipari my parasol still gets attention, but not so much.  Yesterday a man said to me that its transparent so no use as a sun protection anyway, I beg to differ.  It really made me think about how involved these people get in someone elses business and how it must be like living here full time.  I asked Lisa to teach me how to say mind your own business and leave my umbrella alone but she diplomatically suggested a friendlier tone “non ti piachi”?  which means “you dont like?” 

Lets see how I get on with that, but if you hear of a Sicilian local chased around by a mad woman with a parasol then dont be surprised.

Sun Smart Parasol

Sun Smart Parasol

{May 28, 2009}   Turf Wars

I caught up with Suse last night for a long overdue dinner date.  I didn’t know there was more than one Busaba Eathai, you learn something new every day.  We went to the one in Bird Street, by Selfridges.  Still the same look, feel, smell and most importantly taste – but you don’t have to queue to get in like you do at the original restaurant.  Total result. 

Suse was telling me about the turf war she experienced outside her home a few weeks ago.  You may think it was drug dealers and she lives in a crime riddled council estate.  Or maybe hardcore hookers and she lives in a dodgy red light district.  Well, you’ll be relieved to know she doesn’t live in either- she lives in a gorgeous house in Primrose Hill – with fabulous park views. 

The turf war is going on between the Mr Whippy van’s who sit at the park, as it’s the best spot to get customers.  The war escalated so much that these Mr Whippy men (3 different vans) got out of their vans and had a proper punch up.  HOW funny would that have been to see.  Well not all the blood and stuff, I’m imagining it a more G rated cartoon style, with biff, pow and stars in the air.  The police came and cordoned off the whole area, but the Mr Whippy men had fled the scene.  Adding to the turf war, there is another lady in Primrose Hill who makes her own natural icecream and she has her own van.  She has ‘allegedly’ had death threats – is that Mr Whippy taking it to the extreme. 

Mr Whippy may have a soft serve, but it seems like he is pretty hard core!

Mr Whippy

Mr Whippy

{May 23, 2009}   Balloon Magic

No alcohol, healthy dinner and rubbish tv were on the agenda for me last night, but at the offer of a free drink I mysteriously found myself at the pub.  Life is strange.

We noticed a group of girls sitting next to us and this girl had the most fabulous party trick.  She was making magical balloon creations for her friends – from those long balloons, you know the ones where you see a magician make a poodle out of them.  She didn’t just make a bog standard poodle though, she made a cute monkey and bracelets.

Cheeky Balloon Monkey

Cheeky Balloon Monkey

Balloon Girl

Balloon Girl

But her piece de resistance was her lovely ballerina, so I went back over and chatted to her (I’d already been over once to see the monkey).  She does this as a job and she does it amazingly well, her name is Sarah Thomas-Lane and she is posing with her ballerina in the photo above.  This talented young lady is available for hire, so if you have a special occasion coming up that warrants a cheeky monkey or ballerina she should be a number on your speed dial.  Her number is 07775 741 415

Balloonatic (where Sarah works) holds balloon making classes and I’m considering doing one, after all every girl needs a magical party trick!

{April 5, 2009}   Random Wrong Number Chat

I got a wrong number call today and the way it unfolded just made me smile

Ring Ring (I’m setting the scene)

LMS: Hello

John: Hi, is Gary there?

LMS: Sorry you have the wrong number

John: Oh sorry about that, thanks, bye

LMS: Bye

So nothing peculiar about that.  But then I get a text – this is typed verbatim I’d like to add, I don’t do text grammar.

John: Hi gary tried 2 return the call from ur voice mail not sure uv left the rite no – if you still want the plumbing done let me know? John

LMS: The number you called is the same as the number you texted, still wrong 🙂

(thinking to myself, DUH!)

John: Im sorry gary left me a vm he wanted some plumbing done wasnt sure if he meant for him or a marie – r u marie – did you need a plumber?

LMS: Ah no, I am not Marie. Thanks for the kind plumbing offer but my pipes are all good.

John: Well if ur pipes arnt good let me know 🙂

I love the randomness of life!

et cetera